Thursday, March 3, 2011

In the beginning...

In the beginning there lived a girl. This girl was a happy child and she had a passion for life, a love of her family. But all that changed in the seventh grade when her life was turned upside down. Ever since then this girl has been different. Self-doubt and depression haunt the darkest corners of her heart. I am this girl. You can call me Mika.
When I was in seventh grade, I was teased horribly by some young men who didn't care to get to know me. I wasn't gorgeous or skinny or exceptionally talented. And because of my lack of such qualities, I was deemed less than worthy in society's sight. With such a combination of assault from several places I began to doubt myself.

Ever since that point I have suffered from a lack of confidence and, to a point, depression. This blog is here to share my struggles as, even now, I work hard to overcome my own barriers. Some days I do better than others. I am working for the next little while on the following: 1) Getting in to graduate school. 2) I am going to get in better shape. 3) I am going to get good grades (at least B's) in all my classes this semester. And 4) I am going to learn how to love myself for me and NOT for something everyone else thinks I should be.
Things here are going to be eclectic. I'll be traversing politics, culture, personal stories, stressful situations, and downright funny catastrophes. I hope you enjoy the ride!
What are some of your struggles and goals you are working on? I'd love to hear from you! 


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