Friday, March 4, 2011

Check, please??

Ahh, the life of being merely a student. I went to visit my first graduate school today. My campus tour was to be like any other, the sights, the history, meeting important people who will never remember me... Good times, right? You betcha! ... Except for a few mishaps...

My day started out with a 132 mile trip with my best friend to a place I'd never been before. My loving parents were to meet us there and the four of us would venture through the vast unknown of "le campus!" Dun, dun, duuuunnn!! (Getting lost on the way doesn't count, right? ... right??) And venture we did. For an hour. Which wasn't bad. I learned a lot about this school, including the fact that I don't really like their school colors, but eh. What can you do? Then came the dreaded 2:00. The hour at which I would be meeting the head professor of the Anthropology department. I walked quickly with our guide into the building while nervously smoothing the new business outfit I had bought. I ran my fingers through my hair, put on a fresh coat of lip gloss, prayed my breath didn't smell too terrible, and followed my guide down a side hall. Terror was rising in my chest as I hear the words, "Oh. they both left for the day... A meeting with a prospective student? Nope. They didn't say anything. I guess they forgot."
... Really? ... REALLY? I hung my head in shame. I'm not even worth remembering. I spent all that time being nervous for no reason. I hate when that happens. So I start to relax. It's okay. I can just make another appointment. Or e-mail. Yes, e-mail sounds like an exceptional choice! I am much more eloquent in writing than I am in person. I have time to smooth out the stumbles in my words that way. I had just decided that e-mail was my best course of action when lo and behold, I start getting introduced to faculty members. Now, instead of meeting only the secretary and the head of the department, I get to have personal, one on one interviews with most of the department staff. I didn't even have time to freak out! I was whisked from professor to professor and, before I could protest, off to the museum of artifacts for a tour, a visit with the curator, and a personal tour around the labs and the private museum collection. (Can anyone say shrunken heads?? Heck yes!!) It was a blur of faces and names I'm never going to remember, but no worries because they probably won't remember me either. Though I'm not going to lie, I LOVED it!
If you've never had the change to see shrunken heads up close and personal, do it! It's amazing! The detail is incredible! I think that may have been my favorite part. That and having the curator go through a plan with me on how to make sure I get to work on the artifacts I want to once I start taking classes there. (Even though I have yet to be accepted.)
After a crazy couple hours, I felt like I'd run a marathon! I was exhausted. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. And any other "-ally" you can think of! And yet I still had my 132 mile, two hour drive home. Ahh, bliss. At least my best friend made it a hilarious trip. There's never a dull moment around her. And now I'm at work, trying my best to get up the courage to e-mail the list of professors I was given so that I can build rapport with them, hopefully increasing my chances of admission to the program. Eep!
I may be checked out for the day, but my adventures in learning continue. I'd better catch this adventure train, I don't want to miss a moment!

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