Monday, April 4, 2011

Well that went well...

Oh my goodness! These past few weeks have been insane. I feel like all I ever do is go to school and work and eat. I definitely make sure to eat. Too bad sleep isn't included in there anywhere. Luckily this semester is almost over. I am still waiting to hear back from two of the three schools I applied to for my graduate studies, but so far the one letter I got back has not been very promising. They told me no. Which I'm pretty okay with because I don't think it was my first choice anyway. Now all I have to worry about is not dying before the next three weeks ends.
For some random tidbits of information today, did you know:
This is the anti-child trafficking poster from WorldConcern.
1) In 2006 there were over 100 cases of human trafficking (mostly for sex) in Salt Lake City, UT alone??? Disgusting.
2) 40% of our nation's wealth and nearly 25% of our nation's income is taken by a mere 1% of our nation's population??? I sometimes wish I was up there! (See this article by Vanity Fair)
3) (This one is a personal bit about Mika) Something is missing in my life. Lately I feel like my soul is yearning, hungering, a gaping mouth that I feed with everything I find and yet I cannot find a puzzle piece with the right fit to quench my thirst. Any suggestions on what to do? I'm searching, just not finding yet.
I really do love my life. I wrote something the other day that I thought I'd share. I hope you enjoy it.

A Soul for Song
My soul breaks free
When I hear that song.
I hurt so deep,
And I feel so wrong.
Filling hole to the brim
With a wicked nothing
Will never end
A false sense of something.
Heart and brain
Give me something to sing!
To turn my life on a dime
As soon as I hear that ring.
Keep me safe
My way and path to lead
With guided words
I'll work to fight through this deed.

Remember, if you take anything away from today's post, please make sure you never support human-trafficking.

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