Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ahh! Quick excited update!

This won't be very long because I'm SUPER busy with school and stuff, but I have some exciting news! (P.S. the picture is just because it's awesome.)
Recently I have been slacking off on weighing myself because I've been busy, or when I do weigh myself half the time I have lots of clothes, shoes, and a hoodie on, so I don't really like the number I've been seeing. But today I weighed myself in my skivvies (like I've been doing other times) and I am down a total of 15.6 pounds from the start of 2012!! Woooooooo!!! I'd been noticing that my clothes are a little looser, but I don't think I wanted to get my hopes up too much, but now I'm feeling pretty awesome! Seeing that number go down helps keep me motivated. When it goes down I'm less likely to get depressed and think on the negative. Instead, I'm thinking positive thoughts about how awesome it's going to be when I can do things like go running without worrying about jiggling all over the place, ya know?
Also, I'm excited for Valentine's Day! Is anyone else? Not that I have anyone to share it with, but I just like the idea of a day for love. :) Maybe that's a result of my good attitude today. :D
Lastly, I'm thinking of going and test driving a new car. I love my car, but it is getting old-ish and I kinda want a knew one. Don't tell 'Bu. ('Bu is the name of my car, short for 'Libu which in turn in short for Malibu. Because my car's a Malibu. Get it?) Anyway, this new car I'm going to test drive is a Chevy Cruze Eco in ice blue and gets 42 miles to the gallon on the highway and 32 city driving. Dude!! How cool is that? Saving the environment AND money, all at once! Woo!
Anyway, gotta run. I feel like a "woo"-girl! WOOOOO!!! :D
Love you all!

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