Monday, January 23, 2012

Oh my goodness!

I have some of the best news ever! Well, it's probably not *that* exciting, but I love it.
First off, my dear, lovely, WONDERFUL sister is coming home from her trip to a foreign land this Friday. She has been teaching English over there for two years and she's finally coming home! I have missed her so much!!! So that is pretty epic. :)
Secondly, I had an amazing weekend. I got the opportunity to go back the the last town I lived in and see some of my friends. Admittedly I see them pretty often. But I still love seeing them every time! They are the best friends ever. It makes me happy and warm-feeling inside to have such amazing people in my life.
And last, but certainly not least, I have a weight management update! Despite having eaten super unhealthily over the weekend (I ate at restaurants for three days...), I still managed to lose more weight! I have kept trying to eat less gluten, but that's hard! Just so you know. I have eaten several small things with gluten in them, though I try to keep them to a minimum. But now for the big reveal! In 23 days (since January 1st when I weighed 270 pounds), I, writer of this blog, have lost a total of 12 pounds! WOOOOO!!! *cue the hallelujah chorus* I stepped on the scale this morning to see the most beautiful number I have seen in months: 258.0.
I know it shouldn't bother me so much about  my weight, I mean, I am a tall-ish person and I really am not as bad as so many other people with weight issues, but for some reason it has really bothered me that I weighed more than 100 pounds more than my last boyfriend. He is a beanpole in case you couldn't guess. I keep in touch with my ex and I asked him to weigh himself today and he told me his scale said 158.5 lbs. That means, ladies and gentlemen, that I now weigh only 99.5 pounds more than said friend! Sweet glorious day! I know, I know, it's stupid. But I am still super happy. This week I haven't been great at exercising so far. I went on a walk yesterday, I walked to/from school today and did an ab workout tonight, but I'm hoping I can get back to doing the Jillian Michaels workout as soon as I catch up on homework.
Anyway, I will continue to keep you updated as I continue to lose weight and get in shape! P.S. I'm for reals starting the Slim & Sassy thing this week. I used it twice today but then got so busy that I forgot, so I'm putting reminders in my phone until it becomes habit. Wish me luck!


  1. Go you! I'm so proud of you. Keep up the good work. If I end up in the same area, maybe we can work out together. I need to lose about 50-60 pounds myself.
    You are amazing!

  2. Thanks. That would be super awesome!! I am hoping to eventually lose about 100 pounds over the next year or so. *fingers crossed* I'd love to work out with you!
