Thursday, January 19, 2012

Goal updates!

Hello all,
So, as promised, I'm keeping you up to date on the progress of my goals. Getting in shape and losing weight. But first, some background information, ya know, from the last 2 weeks.
First off, my dear sister has, for the last couple years, gone on a gluten free diet, which (don't tell her, because I'm sure she'll read this eventually) I always thought was a little crazy, because I LOVE bread, wheat, gluten, the whole shebang. But after a discussion with my dear friend Charla where she told me about how in her quest for weight loss she hit a wall and it wasn't until she cut gluten from her diet that she lost 15 more pounds without even trying, I was unwillingly thrust by  my own curiosity into looking more closely at the gluten free craze. So I read a (slightly under-referenced) study on how more and more people are becoming unable to process products with gluten in them due to the refining process of wheat products. I don't know how reliable this study was, but I figured (after a few days of thought) that I might as well give it a try, right? What did I have to lose? Going on a gluten free diet wasn't going to hurt anything? And if I *did* end up seeing results, well, awesome!
So I decided to slowly work my way into a gluten free diet starting Monday last week (this was January 9th, the same day school started). I went to the store and I bought corn tortillas for wraps, gluten free flour for baking (and some xanthan gum as suggested for baking gluten free), and rice chips for snacks. I started out the New Year weighing more than I ever have weight before, an embarrassing 270 lbs. I also bought a scale, weight loss DVD's, a measuring tape to keep track of lost inches, and a huge pile of motivation!
But then my gluten free-ness kinda tanked for four days because I was sick so I ate noodle soup several times. So I don't know if it was the lack of gluten or the fact that I ate less than I normally do, but I weighed myself again on Monday (January 16th) and I was down to 260 lbs. Woo!!! I was so excited! You have no idea! It was the best feeling! I was so excited! Not only because I had lost 10 lbs, but also because I am feeling stronger. On my Jillian Michaels workout DVD I am able to get through almost all of the workout without stopping other than for drinks of water, plus I have the core strength to do most of the ab workouts without modification. Because of an old knee injury, though I sometimes have to modify the squats, but that's okay because my thighs aren't screaming in pain the next day anymore!
Basically, I am feeling pretty good. I am also starting a natural oils weight loss regimen called the Slim & Sassy challenge. It involves taking drops of an all natural oil 5 times a day and using one other natural product from the company (doTerra essential oils). They had this same competition a year ago and the people who used the products saw amazing results. So I'm going to do my best and see how it works. I am going to be awesome! I can't wait. I'll keep you periodically updated.
Until then, I hope everyone's New Year has been awesome!

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