Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Goals, cliche, I know, right?

Sooooo... I HAVE to lose weight. Seriously, it kinda freaks me out how fat I am. >.< So I've decided to go on a crazy exercise plan that includes Jillian Michaels DVDs, Hip Hop dance DVD's, and Biggest Loser DVD's...
So far, for it being only day 3, it's going well. I looked in the mirror in the bathroom at school today and I was a little happier with what I saw. It may have just been the shirt I was wearing (which is super cute and flattering) but I could also be feeling better about myself. So I cheated at just ate some gummy bears. :P Don't worry, it was less than a serving and I am just about to work out as well, so it's all good.
Sadly, I am not smart when it comes to the internet, so I don't know how to add my weight loss tracker to the website, so I'll just have to update you in actual type rather than you just being able to glance at a little tracker gadget in the corner of my blog.
Anyway, wish me luck! I'm going to do my best to lose 40 lbs by the time I leave for England for the summer trip I've been saving for.
Oh, fyi, I'm going on a trip to the British Isles in the summer for a couple weeks. I don't think I've mentioned that. It's going to be epic when I go! Apparently there are some super awesome Mayan wooden lintels in the museum there and I totally want to try and read some of them! I'm so excited!
BUT... Before that happens, I *WILL* be quite a bit skinnier than I am right now. I WILL do it! Just watch me. *insert game face*
Anyway, off to exercise my brains out. ^.^


  1. Good luck on working out and losing weight. After I lost about twenty pounds (I started a year ago), I plateaued. For like 6 months. No matter how much I worked out, no matter how right I ate. It was *very* annoying. I stopped eating gluten to help with some health problems, and that was my limiting factor. I've lost 30 more pounds since then, because of a gluten allergy! Jebus! Sometimes there's something like that in the way of losing weight, so don't lose hope if you start to plateau. Keep up the hard work, and let me know if you need any encouragement!

    <3 you!

    1. Thanks, You're sweet! I am cutting down on my gluten intake, and I'm hoping that helps. *fingers crossed* Have you kept up with the exercise stuff while not being on the gluten? Or has it just come off naturally?

    2. 15 pounds *just* from the gluten inflammation--Apparently, there's a lot of inflammation in our very long digestive tracts from gluten, and within the first two weeks to one month of being gluten-free, that inflammation drops off. Most people I've talked to with similar problems dropped between ten and fifteen after quitting.

      Yeah, I've kept up on the exercise, but I haven't been as consistent as I'd like with my crazy schedule. Right now, I have a rowing machine that I'm really enjoying. :) How are youliking the workout videos?

    3. Wow! I'm definitely going to work on that then, see if that is my problem!
      The DVD's are awesome! But I have some pre-existing issues with my knee (the one that I had surgery on just before your wedding, remember that? :P) And I think I need to see a doctor about it before I step up my game too much. But as long as I do more upper body than lower body and wear a brace it isn't too bad. :)
